SDN - Show yourself on SDN with Veodia
SDN is 1.6M active users strong.
Craig started a great initiative (You and your 30 seconds!), so start recording and share with Veodia.
And here is Craig:
So many things 'fly by' me when I'm working. I get to know Websites, technologies, design ideas and people all the time. This Blog is about these types of information/knowledge we all gather, while we are working...
SDN is 1.6M active users strong.
Craig started a great initiative (You and your 30 seconds!), so start recording and share with Veodia.
And here is Craig:
Posted by Etay Gafni 0 comments
ZEND just updated their website and released the Zend Server.
Posted by Etay Gafni 0 comments
Plutinosoft, the creator of iPhone Screen Splitter - released an amazing demo tool for the iPhone - DemoGod.
DemoGod allows you to share your real iPhone screen on your computer screen / projector. And it is wireless.
See a demo (switch to full screen to see Veodia's high quality playback)
Very impressive!
No more face UI demos - DemoGod this is the real thing.
Posted by Etay Gafni 0 comments